Cancer Page @ YM Ideas

This page was made in 2022 November, Imran's friend lost a sister to cancer. Another friend made this remark!

  1. From a scientific perspective cancer is not about raising money for a cure... there is enough money for cures and the medical world are coming closer to better methods of resolving this disease.
  2. However, the reality is that cancer is not a random genetic disease. it is caused by capitalist consumerism. we need to change our lifestyles and habits in order to fight cancer. organic and local foods, proper eating and nutrition, no smoking, no pollution, no drinking, no hazardous cooking materials and household items like plastics and teflon, no stress, and many other things we have to be wary of.

See more at this page link

Cancer — Prevention, Cure and Coping

Contact Imran and his friends to discuss any of the following

  1. Strengthen the mind and heart.
  2. Have conversations around palliative care... the sort of multidisciplinary approach pleaded for by Dr BJ Miller.
  3. Psycho Oncology - partnering and promoting practitioners and early adopters.
  4. Mindset and will as a means to beat back the onset of cancer.
  5. General positivity and resilience in a free-flowing manner the likes of Dr Patch Adams of the Gesundheit Institute. Which also reminds me of his idea of using humour and the endorphin release that comes with it to our aid in healing when we listen to clowns.
  6. Use of audio nootropics and guided meditations to bolster strength of the ones affected, their family members and support groups.
  7. Grief counselling and the comfort to be found in renewed faith in the Lord and an understanding of the process of rebirth.
  8. Alternate medicine and yoga along with Conscious Aging.
  9. Anything else that may benefit those terminally ill and their families and loved ones.

Cancer — Modalities worth Exploring